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He Meets Us Where We Are

@tori.annbush is a former mission companion of mine and a TALENTED artist who recently completed this beautiful wooden mosaic of Jesus ChristšŸ¤šŸŒæ

In it, Christ looks upwards. I imagine Him looking up towards Heavenly Father. Perhaps Heā€™s pondering His role in the plan of happiness and how Heā€™s there to help us return to Heavenly Father.

I think of Him pleading on my behalfšŸ„¹šŸ¤

In a previous post, Iā€™ve shared that Christ has been there for me when Iā€™ve been really low.

But what about the times in the middle where Iā€™m doing OK and I just need a boost?

Or when Iā€™m doing pretty well and I need a little motivation to keep doing what Iā€™m doing?

My Savior, Jesus Christ, meets me wherever I am. His arms are always extended towards me, and those same arms are always extended to YOU (3 Nephi 9:14).

Iā€™m so grateful for the moments where Iā€™ve reached out to Christ and for the relationship with Him Iā€™m continuing to buildšŸ¤šŸŒæ

How has Christ met you where you were or are? How are you building a relationship with Him?


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