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Staying Spiritually Hydrated

Ever since I was a high school soccer player, I’ve relied on refilling water bottles to get me through each day ⚽💦

Back then, I drank three 32-oz. Nalgene water bottles a day. Now, I usually drink at least two 44-oz. Stanley mugs’ worth of water a day (and maybe two cans of Dr Pepper Zero as well, depending on the day...😂).

I can’t leave the house without water to-go, otherwise I get parched and can’t think about anything else. I jokingly call it my “emotional support water bottle.” 😂

Yesterday, I fasted, or chose to go without food or drink for two meals. I did this to try to “[draw] closer to the Lord and [request] His blessings” or extra help (Guide to the Scriptures).

To be honest, not drinking water while I fast is really hard for me (I’ll even hide my water Stanley away from my nightstand so I can’t grab it when I wake up).

The Guide to the Scriptures teaches us that “As water is essential to sustain physical life, the Savior and His teachings (living water) are essential for eternal life.”

In John 4:6-15, we learn that whoever drinks of Christ’s water will never thirst. They will receive eternal life and return to live with our Heavenly Father again.

Water is essential for BOTH our physical AND spiritual survival. 💦🤍🌿

When I don’t drink water physically, I feel it. My body reacts. I’m slow and cranky.

When I don’t drink water spiritually, I feel it. My spirit is sluggish. I’m less receptive to promptings.

And lately, I’ve felt like I’ve been dragging spiritually. Like I’ve been going through the motions.

A sweet friend of mine and a woman I deeply admire gave me this print by a couple of years ago.

I love the golden halo around Christ’s head and I’m reminded that He is the ultimate source of spiritual energy and strength. ☀️🤍🌿

I’m reminded to keep my soul hydrated. I’ve been craving a closer connection to my Savior and the best part is that this is something I can totally work on!

I’ve set a goal to spend more effort in the scriptures this week. I want to take some focus time to be quiet and ponder what I read. 📖

How can you work to stay spiritually hydrated?


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