Yongsung Kim is one of my favorite artists😍 A lot of his work focuses on shepherds🐑, and the leadership in my mission often taught using shepherd/sheep symbolism🐑 (his work with cherry blossoms especially reminds me of Japan 🌸).
I recently discovered a new piece of his that goes along perfectly with a verse I came across in my Book of Mormon study🤍🌿
3 Nephi 15:24 reads, “But behold, ye have both heard my voice, and seen me; and ye are my sheep, and ye are numbered among those whom the Father hath given me.”
I love this passage. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, is our Shepherd🐑 He looks after us, cares for us, and feeds us spiritually.
The part about being numbered resonates with me. Sometimes I feel so small in the larger picture but I’m reminded that Christ knows me.
He knows what I’m struggling with, finding joy in, or laughing at. He weeps with me whether I’m feeling stressed and anxious or laughing-crying.
And as I seek to draw close to Him and follow His teachings, I’ll be able to hear His voice.
There’s also an interesting reference to Heavenly Father in this scripture. Christ isn’t the only member of the godhead mentioned. We are Heavenly Father's children, and He has a plan for each one of us.
And Christ is a huge part of that plan.
It is through Him that we are able to return to Heavenly Father and live with Him and our families forever🤍🌿
Is there a time where you’ve felt “numbered” or that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ were aware of you?
Artwork: “Calming Embrace “ by @yongsungkimart